The concept of communication skills.
It is the process by which a message is exchanged between a sender and a recipient using one of the communication method to obtain a response.
The connection process appears in:-
1- family :- It appears between the husband and his wife, and between the father and his sons , between the mother and her children and among the brothers too.
2- school:- Between the principal and the teachers, between the teachers among them , between the teachers and students , between the students among them.
Principles in communication:-
1- Communication acquired skills is not inherited.
2- Communication is an ongoing process in the event of a disconnection creates another.
3- There are two levels of communication that are conscious and unconscious communication.
4- communication is an interrelated process.
5- Communication is a variable process.
The elements of the communication process:-
Active sender:- It has properties that make it effective when speaking.
An effective receiver :- It has the characteristics of active listening.
Effective message:- The message should be clear, concise and important.
Effective encryption:- Drafting the message, appropriate and effective formulation.
Effective decryption:- Understanding the intended meaning and translate it clear.
Effective channel:- An effective way to communicate.
Eliminate interference:- Cancel all disconnects.
Effective framework:- Integration that collects the entire communication process.
Effective response:- Refer clarification from the other person .
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