some childhood problems fear an insecurity

Fear in children
1-What is Fear ?
ear is an instinctive willingness that God provided people to protect themselves and to take care of dangerous situation, it is a natural state that a person feel in some situation and it appears in various forms.

Manifestations of fear
In children, it appears in a form of panic that appears on his face and may be accompanied by crying.

Things that children's are afraid of:-
1- From the doctor
2- From the teachers
3- From the animals especially dogs
4- Of loud voices
5- From the dark

Source of fear in children:- 
1-  Family
2- Tv
3- Children's stories and magazines about elves
4-  Parents worried about children

How to protect our children from fear:-
1- The child must be surrounded by an emotional warmth to feel safe.
2- The spirit of faith in God must be instilled.
3- Parents behaviour must be balanced free from panic

2- Dishonesty ( lie - stealing - cheat )
1- Lie
- Lying is giving false or incomplete information with the intention of deceiving for a personal benefit or avoiding punished.
1- Do not ask children to bear witness about themselves.
2- Behaviorally abide by the standards of honestly that you set.
3- Discuss the issue of dishonesty with the family.

2- Stealing
- Theft is the most worrying for parents, as they see them as criminal behaviour.
#- Children steal for many reasons:-
1- Young children do not understand that others have a private property right that must be respected.
2- Children may steal from an economic successor.
3- Theft may be a sign of internal tension, such as depression or jealousy.
1- Give the child a regular expense
2- Be a role model
3- correct the mistakes

3- Cheat
-Cheating is dishonest behaviour that involves deceiving others and taking something that is not your.
#- Reasons
1- External weaknesses
2- Children who feel inefficient.
3-  Bad example
1- Teach your children that this behaviour loses others.
2- Be role model .
