
Your nutrition indicates your health.
The amount of food you need daily depends on your physical activity and your age, so it is necessary to take the appropriate amount of food for you.

The Health Pyramid

Food and its relationship to the health of the body:-
This relationship depends on two things:-
1- The amount of food.
2- Food quality.

The amount of food:-
If the amount of food (energy) exceeds the need of the body, the body begins to store in the form of fat (fat), then the weight increases. And if the quantity is less than the need of the body, it begins to demolish its stored fat , in order to derive the necessary energy, so the body weight will be lost.

Food Quality:-
It does not mean that you are required to improve the amount of calories in all that you eat or drink.
Accordingly, food can be divided into:-
- Food is high in calories: "fatty foods"
- Food is medium in calories: "sugars and starches"
- Food is low in calories: "Fruits and vegetables".

The concept of dietary habits:-
It is a manifestation of a repetitive behaviour in the preparation, selection and eating of food , and it depends on a combination of psychological, social and economic factors that differ from the other society.

Factors affecting dietary habits:-
- Social factors
- Economic factors
- Psychological factors
