Smoking and its effects on health

Smoking and its effect on health:-
Smoking habit is a foul civilized lesions that inflicted on humans aliments and diseases , such as their bad effect on the lymph nodes, pituitary and nervous centers and their harmful effect on the heart, blood pressure, respiratory tracts , stomach, muscle and eye . It is the winning world trade , but it is based on destroying life.
What are the motives that cause the young man to smoke:- 
- Parents indulgence and bad example
- The desire for adventure and blind imitation.
- Convinced by friends ( bad friends )
- Providing cigarettes.

Practical fact about smoking:-
- The first fact :- Smoking causes many type of cancer, the most important of which is lung cancer.

- The second fact:-
Smoking causes a concentration of the heart's arteries.

- The third fact :-
Smoking hurt the fetus in its mother's womb.

Smoking cessation program:-
- Set a specific date for the final cessation of smoking within 3- 4 weeks of thinking about stopping.
- Talk to the family about the desire to stop.
- During this period, the smoker will have to reduce the number of cigarettes per day.
- On the day set to stop smoking we recommend taking a nicotine replacement, in order to reduce nervous tension in the smoker.
