Group therapy

What is group of therapy ?
1- A group of people carefully chosen who suffer from various disorders psychologically ( not necessarily a physician ) who stimulates everyone to interact with each other and influence each other with a view to change and cultural

1- Group size
- From 3 to 15 with an ideal number from 8 to 10
- In interaction number must be more than 3 , and it is preferable not to exceed 15 so that the therapist can follow up on individuals.

2- Session length and number of sessions
- Once a week from 1to 2 hours

3- Type of participant
It is preferred that participants in group therapy, ie heterogeneous, be of different age , diagnostic and sexual group ( men and women ) .

4- The role of the therapist
The role of the  is often only to facilitate interaction. Provides the personal group with warmth, respect, and sympathy.

5- Individual therapy and group therapy
They can meet and attend the therapist to the treatment group while this is completed with individual sessions with the therapist from time to time the group is characterized as being less expensive and gives the participant that they are not alone.

6- Psychodrama
- Kind of group therapy
- It uses acting and role- playing to make the therapist gain insight into his feeling and struggles.

#- Remedies in group therapy:-
1- Ventilation:- The repressed emotions are expressed and purification is correct.
2- acceptance:- The patient limits himself and is acceptable to other without conditions.
3- empathy:- with the pain of others.
4- insight:- The person increases understanding for himself.
5- interpretation:- He finds analyzes of difficult situation to understand.
