Life: Life is a blessing from God’s grace.

Life is a blessing from God’s grace that He granted to all his creatures, and God adorned it for us with money and children, so that we may enjoy them and be happy, which is the pass and test that all human beings will pass, and it is the house that we will be held accountable for what our hands came in, and what words or deeds we have done ourselves, whoever passes his test Victory of happiness and joy, and reached the afterlife, which does not perform or disappear and does not dry up, but as for those who followed their desires and deviated from the right path and found calamities and bad conclusion.
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The love of life is the first cornerstone that enables a person to live his life as if he were drawing a bright painting with joyful colors, decorating his life with his love for others and his love for good, so that love, joy and happiness will prevail throughout the universe, and injustice and hatred will be hidden and buried deep away from life, but the second cornerstone in this life is The formation of good social relations between people, it is not possible to enjoy life in isolation and isolation from others, for life is the tree and social relations are the branches of this tree, no matter how diverse and different they belong to the original, and the social relations must be strong, solid, and interrelated with each other.
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God has created this life in its most beautiful form, making geographic diversity and the different terrain the third cornerstone for enjoying life. People enjoy the scenes and stunning scenery of nature around them that charm the core. The four seasons that the earth wears are adorned with the most beautiful of what God created in this life, Without it, life will be like a solid piece without a color, boring, dull and unbearable taste, as there are extended plains, deep valleys and towering mountains, in which a person can practice his beloved sports, so he enjoys swimming with fish and is happy to climb mountains, ride horses, and boats in the Hot and Tosrna that takes us to distant shores, Tzhlna even make us forget yourself, overwhelmed by the beauty of this life and glory and splendor, like hugging the wounds of the soul to heal.
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Life may afflict a person, and extinguish the light of hope he has, but he must be as soft as: the leaves of the tree, as hard as its roots and as rough as its stem and as good as its fragrance, so there is no despair with life nor life with despair, and always remember that every last night is a beautiful bright day, and return to fly in The space of this life. In conclusion, let us all care for the love of life and enjoy the blessings of God and thank Him for it, and make it a place for beautiful memories full of love and affection, while trying to reform the universe and decorate it with beautiful touches. Life is like fertile soil that gives those who grow their fruits without waiting for the return, so let us plant a beautiful that smells fragrant for generations And generations.
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