love:Being in love varies from person to person.

Being in love varies from person to person. Only you can answer what love means to you.
There are a large number of films, books, musical texts and notes produced with love. A large number of people want to talk about love in their own way.
The Meaning of Love - Joshua Hehe - Medium
The feeling may be different from person to person:-

The feeling of love may be different from time to time. The feeling of love often differs after a period of time compared to the feeling in the beginning.

The feeling can be exciting. Perhaps you feel lively, courageous, happy or calm. You may think a lot about the person you love, and it is difficult for you to think about something else. When you fall in love with someone, you may feel anxious, sad or jealous. Some people have difficulty eating or sleeping when they are in love.

This is how you feel comfortable when you are near the person you love, as you feel that the heart is beating hard and hard. You may feel anxious, happy or shy.
That's Called "Falling In Love"
Love may surprise you

You may fall in love with someone you know, but you may fall in love with someone you don't know. The feeling can be very strong even if you are not meeting or having sex with each other. Or maybe you fall in love with several people at the same time.

Love can surprise you. For example, you fall in love with a person of a race other than the one that you would normally fall in love with. Or suddenly fall in love with a friend. Maybe you fell in love with someone you thought you could never fall in love with.

It is hard to know what makes us fall in love with someone. Perhaps the reason is due to the person's behavior, appearance, voice or smell.
Love: A Feeling or a Choice? - The Ascent
How can I show that I am in love?

Here are some agreements: Choose something that works for you. Do not do anything strange or wrong to you.

1:- The person that you like him. You can say that in a short message or when you meet.

2:- If you usually meet, usually try to be close to that person. If your looks meet, try to keep looking more often. Smile if you want to.

3:- Say something nice, sometimes it is enough to say "I am glad to meet you" or "Your shirt is beautiful" or similar. Most people feel joy when we praise them. This could be the start of a longer conversation.

4:- Ask the person if you can do something together. Whether you are alone or together with other friends. You have the opportunity to get to know the person better and have the opportunity to show your feelings.

5:- If you usually meet, it appears to the person that you care about him. Ask him if you can hug him, invite him to coffee, or suggest helping him with something. Do something that suits you.

6:- Ask friends for help. Someone else can tell him you like him.

The Scientific benefits of being happy in a relationship (LOVE ...
Unhappy love

Of course, the fact that the person you love does not love you is stressful. Love can sometimes be painful. This happens to a large number of people.

You cannot influence other people's feelings and make someone else fall in love with you. And the fact that the person does not love you does not mean that there is something wrong with you. Sometimes this happens.

Feeling sad is OK. Be kind to yourself. Do the things you love. Try to avoid things that remind you of the person you love, such as music or pictures.

Talk about your feelings with a friend or adult you trust. This helps improve your condition. Many people also love to write about their feelings. The most stressful feelings usually disappear after a while.
IMAGES OF LOVE with short romantic phrases ™ Love
